The online home of the Giles Files newsletter.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rain or sun--Leanne is always prepared--day of Merrie Monarch parade. Posted by Picasa

Leanne and Peter in front of waterfalls in rainforest of Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden. Posted by Picasa

PG following talk on "nurturing marriage" in Ka'u Ward. Posted by Picasa

" Watch out, Grandpa! I just got my driver's license." Miranda Wiener Posted by Picasa

Amy Dickson's baptism--a beautiful day for a beautiful girl. Posted by Picasa

Peter speaks in Church at in Ka'u district, most southerly town in the US. Posted by Picasa

Wes and man in blue with Mikey, experienced paddler who has given many good tips. Posted by Picasa

Man in blue congratulates Wes W. on his team's triumph. Posted by Picasa

Victors and well-wishers join to carry koa canoe onto the shore to await a future race. Posted by Picasa

Novice B team returns triumphantly after beating archrival Puna by 2 seconds. Posted by Picasa

Wes illustrating the reach and twist that provides the power in the stroke. Coach Clem and team member Kim ride up. They will both hold the canoes at the starting line to keep them from false starting or drifting forward across line and being disqualified. Posted by Picasa

Wes again demonstrates that paddling is real work. Posted by Picasa

Novice B mens group paddle out to starting point. Notice muscular guy in position four (Wes Wenhardt by name) Posted by Picasa

This really felt good! Posted by Picasa

The man in blue exits the canoe, paddle in hand. Posted by Picasa

The race is one. We finished fourth in a field of 8. The endorphins were high as we crossed the finish line. Posted by Picasa

The Keokaha Club canoe, mixed (men and women) Novice B (first year paddlers) pulls away heading for the start line. Posted by Picasa

Paddler Peter wishes Loren well in the days race. Note biceps of Andy sitting behind me. These guys are making me look good! Posted by Picasa

Last words of advice from Coach Clem to Paddler Peter. Posted by Picasa

This paddler is ready to compete. Watch out! Posted by Picasa

"Why are you so tall, Grandpa?" Elisa and Miranda want to know. Posted by Picasa

The Merrie Monarch festival parade--flowers and colors standout. Posted by Picasa

The men get into the hula pageantry at Merrie Monarch too! Posted by Picasa

Pageantry surrounding the anniual Merrie Monarch festival--biggest annual event in Hilo, featuring hula dancers from all over. Posted by Picasa

Gloria, on the right, a local TV show host just interviewed me. Gloria on the left is making good things happen at Imiloa. Posted by Picasa